Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Monday, December 12, 2011

Our songs :)

song played right when i finished birthing and held my Pöe for the first time:

prodigious feeling HERE!

This has been Pöe's song since he was in my womb:

Feeling of completion HERE

Daddy & Peaches ;)

More than love feeling HERE

Thursday, November 24, 2011

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Tuesday, November 22, 2011

11/9/11 Genesis

After so much preparation for a natural, drug-free water birth we were sent to Plantation General Hospital to the only doctor that would still give me a natural birth, regardless of my complication, Dr.Tsinker. (we love the man, funniest doctor ever) The problem was I had almost no amniotic fluid and Pöe was drying up with no water to move in. This happened due to a leakage gone misdiagnosed. Bottomline shortly after finding out we heard the words: "your not going home, i hope you are ready to have a baby today"  HELL YEA!! I'VE BEEN READY!! lets do this! we gathered up the crew and head out to the hospital. We stopped at Publix on our way and stacked up on fruits, carbs and proteins to have energy for the marathon. It was a long ride so we took the opportunity to do some meditation and acupressure on our way and get rid of al my hospital fears and mentally prepared for labor. Once we got there I was in total peace, laughing, optimistic and doing everything possible to make labor short and as painless as possible. Literally squatting as I signed my hospital papers lol.
Once I was induced the contractions started, Mario and Anna  took turns at my grip the whole way thru and my doula helped me canalize the pain and use it! On that note I'm not sure how many hours passed maybe 3 or 4.  Every contraction was so empowering! i felt like the incredible Hulk!! And then it happened! i could feel it!! He was coming! the excitement is such i cant describe the pain just the awe i felt knowing that soon enough depending on my strength and control mind over body We would be meeting this little person we've been waiting for for the past 41weeks with so much LOVE!
Then it all happened so quick: Dr. comes in, takes a peek, said "oh yea she's ready" he scrubbed up. I pushed once and reached down and touched his head and in 3 more pushes he was out :) MY BABY!!!
Not even Shakespeare could put in words the feeling of holding my son for the first time. Its a type of LOVE i could not even imagine i could feel. Like an Overwhelming overdose of all the things i love the most in one, Pöe Luna.


Despues de tanto prepararnos para un parto natural, en agua y sin drogas, tuvimos que irnos de emergencia al hospital, Plantation General. Un poco lejos pero ahi estaba el unico doctor q a pesar de mi complicacion me daria un parto natural, Dr. Tsinker. El problema era que me habia quedado sin liquido amniotico, y Pöe no tenia aguita para moverse. Al hacernos la segunda prueba para confirmar el nivel de agua tan bajo escuchamos  la technica decir: "tu no vas para tu casa, espero que estes lista para tener un bebe hoy mismo"  ahi cai en cuenta "VOY A SER MADRE!! HOY!! CLARO Q ESTOY LISTA!! Juntamos el equipo y nos fuimos para el hospital. De camino paramos en el supermercado y compramos frutas, carbohidratos y proteinas, para llenarnos de energia para el maraton. El camino era largo y aprovechamos para meditar y hacerme un masaje de acuprecion que me ayudaria a inducir el parto y librarme de mis miedos al hospital. Al llegar ya me sentia, en paz, relajada y preparada para la jornada. Haciendo todo lo posible para alijerar el proceso y hacerlo lo menos doloroso posible. Como caminar en cuclillas mientras me registraba.
Una vez me inducieron comenzaron las contracciones. Mario y anna se turnaban mi mano y no me soltaron en ningun momento. Y mi doula me ayudaba a canalizar el dolor y usarlo. En este plan pasaron como 3 o 4 horas. Cada contraccion me daba poder!! Mesentia como el increible Hulk!! Entonces paso, lo sentia!! Por ahi venia mi hijo!! La emocion era tanta qu no podria describir el dolor, solo el sentimiento de saber que cada momento de intensidad me acercaban mas a mi cria y dependia de mi fuerza y voluntad la cercania del momento en el que llegara esta personita que llevamos esperando por 41semana con tantisimo AMOR!
De ahi en adelante todo paso tan rapido! Llego el doctor me miro y dijo "ya esta lista" puje una vez y le toque la cabesita y en 3 pujos mas salio, MI BEBE!!! Nisiquiera Shakespeare podria poner en palabras el sentimiento tan hermoso de tener a mi bebe en mis brazos por primera vez , es un amor inexplicable. Como una sobredosis de todo lo que mas amo en uno, Pöe Luna.

Pöe Luna...Puro Amor

Por fin le damos la bienvenida a nuestro regalito q nos ha brindado el universo, Pöe Luna. Aunque el parto no fue lo que tanto habiamos planeado estamos complacidos con la experiencia y enamorados del fruto final, nestro Pöe.
Pöe nacio el miercoles 9 de Noviembre a la 1:35am, pesando 5lbs y 15oz. y midiendo 19". Con mi madre, mi hermana, mi amor, mi doula, y midwife apoyandome, todos fuimos complices de un milagro!!  Ya lo tenemos en casita y no podriamos estar mas felices!!!

(estare postiando todos los articulos en ingles y espanol para toda nuestra familia y amistades :D )

Friday, November 18, 2011

Pöe Luna...Pure Love

We finally welcome to the world our precious gift, Pöe Luna. Altho we had to abandon our birthing plan due to some complications, we are very content and grateful with the experience, and of course, the end result <3
Pöe Luna arrived on Wednesday the 9th of November at 1:35 am weighing 5lbs 15oz and measuring 19inches.   With my mom, sis, Love, Shelemaya and Nahama as my support team, we all witnessed a miracle!! Now we have him home, and "we couldn't be on a higher high than this love high"